Type 1 and type 2 diabetes are intrinsically different. It is important to differentiate between the two because the difference often determines how each person will be medically treated.
Type 1 diabetes
Type one diabetes is an auto-immune or genetic condition and, although it can occur later on in life, it usually presents in younger people. With type 1 diabetes your immune system attacks the insulin producing cells in your pancreas. The onset is usually quick and results in an insulin deficiency. As a result of the insulin deficiency the usual course of treatment for type 1 diabetes is insulin.
Type 2 diabetes
The aetiology of type 2 diabetes differs from type 1 diabetes in that it is not an auto-immune condition. Type 2 diabetes is often lifestyle related, although there is a genetic element in some people. Type 2 diabetes usually develops over a longer period of time. Because the onset symptoms usually takes much longer in people with type 2 diabetes, people may walk around with raised blood glucose levels without even knowing that they have diabetes. The treatment for type 2 diabetes ranges from diet, to a variety of oral medications or injectable treatment.
How can we help you
Whether you have type 1 or type 2 diabetes it is important to look after yourself because raised blood glucose levels over a period of time can cause a wide range of complications.
At The Diabetes Advantage we aim to intensively educate and support you both individually as well as in groups to try and ensure that you are able to achieve good blood glucose control. In improving your blood glucose control we also aim to minimize your risk of complications and improve your overall quality of life. For more information please feel free to email us at thediabetesadvantage@gmail.com .